Friday, January 15, 2010

Chapter 3.19

As suggested by the gynae, I need to take lotsa walk during this pregnancy as opposed to bed rest which is more commonly advised. This is due to the baby which is a little mispositioned inside.

An hour ago while I was sauntering around our house compound, I spotted Robi chatting to Odelia inside her room. Not rushing into any judgment, I watched them from the window. Are they planning a surprise for me? Can't be, because my birthday is still 4 months away. Are they planning a surprise for maybe Ocean or Aunty Nadine? They could've involved me too.


Should I confront Robi as this is pretty devastating. Or should I not, else i'll be seen as a major paranoid.

I don't love and adore Robi that much, but he's still my husband and I'm carrying his second baby for god's sake.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, dont tell me they are?

    Robi had been a bad taste of yours, now it seemed that he has worse taste (thats if I am spot on) then again, Odelia is your cousin so I shall not biatch too much on your legacy les' the next few generations sees all these dirty laundry.

