Friday, January 7, 2011

Chapter 4.22

Finally I'm back to writing this journal again! It's been months, pardon my absence but my pregnancy was really too much for me to handle. The fishing routine that we did quite helped a bit, and I'm really grateful for my husband Jack who's been with me through all these. Despite all the hardships though, the delivery was really smooth. My water broke as I was gagging out during one of my morning sicknesses, I felt so liberated!

Jack quickly drove home and brought me to the hospital. Persey was out for a training during the week, so it's really only Jack. Pepita and aunt O were just plainly not amused. Who cares.

It's a baby girl! Quincey Chopin... Welcome her, people. :)

P.S.: If other women are having post-natal depression, I'm having post-natal euphoria. :) Now I can eat up to my stomach's content! WoOohHoOoooo!

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