It's been 2 months I've known Parker. We're officially going steady now. =) Life has totally changed for me. Every now and then he would come by my place just to deliver my favorite Chinese food. When my job swamps me he would voluntarily offer his ever-so-good massage. Honestly, I think he could be the one. He has also started work since beginning of this month. He understands it well that I want someone who's mature and knows how to be responsible of himself. He told me that he's interested in the corporate world, so I introduced her to my neighbor who happens to own a business company. Parker has been ascending well too in his career. So happy.

It's circa last week, in front of my house, he proposed to me.
"Marie, I do not want to let you live alone anymore. I'm ready to leave my house albeit what my mom has to say about me. I love you and I really do. Will you marry me?"
For a moment I was so stunned and so happy at the same time. I just didn't expect it to be so fast. Everything's happening in lightspeed. I don't deny that there's still a tiny bit of hesitation inside my heart. On one side my little tiny heart is still clinging on to my memory of Gabriel, the other tiny part of my heart says that Parker carries a flirt trait with him, which might worry me a lot.
His cellphone consistently rings. It could be Melissa dropping him a message just to ask him meet her at the Central Park to pass him her freshly-baked cookies. It could be Linda ringing him just to share her feeling with him. Many sorts of bushes with him. Although I know he loves me.
Nevertheless, I said yes. He has been paying lotsa sacrifices for me too. "I do, Parker :)" He gave me his grandmother's ring for me to pass on to our future heiress.

That night, we slept with all the love in the world covering us.

yes!! romantic right!! product of love baby.