Nala, in case you get the chance to read this as you get older, I just wanna tell you that you have grown up fantastically. Both your father and I are very proud of you. Despite your tough-headed trait, you have constantly been a highachiever and I can't be anymore proud. Eversince you're a toddler, you have shown that to us. The fact that you have made it to the honor roll is also another thing to be grateful for. You are such an intelligence honey, and never make that go to waste. Here you go, happy birthday once again and may you always grow happily ever after.
I granted her wish to have a hair extension and 1000 simoleons for her to shop on all clothes that she wants. Meanwhile, Nadine has been such a sweet cupcake also. She hardly ever grows grumpy when I'm too busy to shower her with attention. I guess she's more patient and is a more motherly type. Additionally, I think it's really well-arranged by the One Above. I can't imagine having these two girls at such close age gap. It would have been too handfuls for me to handle. With such wide gap, Nala could also shower more attention and quarrel less with her little sister.

P.S.: I'm just wondering if Nala is ever going to find a boyfriend?
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