My job has been quite fruitful. I've been getting a lot of promotions and opportunities here and there. The other day while I was having my little dinner, my boss rang me on my mobile. My heartbeat skipped! Because it's the first time he ever rang me, in the middle of the night.
"Marie, I am reviewing the job performance of each of my staff. I just can't wait 'til tomorrow to let you know that you have been nominated best staff of the month! Or in fact the best staff I've ever had by far. You met my expectation and everyone else voted for you too. So congratulations! Your pay will be raised by 15 simoleons."
I was jumping all around when I heard that. That night, I went to the gym to exercise more to level up my Athletic skill.

The next day was my day off. I decided to go to the movie to see what potential freelance job/opportunity I could pick up. I have always loved watching movie. I remember at mama's house her husband bought for her a 50" TV installed in the toilet. I would kill to just get the chance to take my bubble bath while watching my favorite series "Simfather". Anyway...
I spotted this good looking guy. Well he certainly meets my expectation to be my children's father. But oh well, he's there with his own set of family. Heartbreaker is so not my lifetime wish, so forget about it.

Later on I headed to the Central Park. It's been ages since the last time I visited a park. Central Park has its own unique style. Many people come to play chess, hold their BBQ party, gather friends for picnic, etc. I clearly didn't have any reason to go there... I was just bored. I've run out of books to read at home, and I don't have the moolah to purchase a proper TV set.
Then I saw this group of richie getting off their limousine. There's this guy, Parker who came by and offered his hand to me. "Hi, I'm Parker. Would you fancy a chess challenge?" he said that in a very thick Simish accent. "Sure." I seriously don't know why I said that because my skill has gotten rusty.
"Parker, your turn." I woke him little.

"Er, yeah, so sorry my mind drifted."
"Something bothering your mind?", I asked.
"You're so beautiful. And I've been figuring how to ask for your name."
"Haha. You're funny. I'm Marie." I smiled.
"There you go. Nice to meet you, Marie. Are you a regular visitor here?"
"Nah, in fact this is my first time. I just moved in from another state."
I got to know that he's a freshie out from college, still unemployed. He has such a good looking face, but I paid no sympathy because afterall he's just another typical richie.
"Hey, see, I've gotta go. Mom's waiting for me. Nice to meet you. Can I ask for your SIM Messenger nickname so that we could talk a bit more?"
"mariechopin, there you go. Nice to meet you too. It's been a fun game."

After that, I proceeded back to the gym and exercised til real late at midnight. Perk of being an adult.

SIM Messenger nickname <<< BOL!!!
ReplyDeleteJust why didnt I think of that huh?!?!
Marie, time to work hard & save up for a PC!
heehee! yes! and where's your blog?! add me on SIM Msgr. mariechopin loveyoukthanksbye.